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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.44, No. 2, 1999, 99-107
Weiser Jaroslav (1)*, Rehacek Josef (2), Zizka Zdenek (3), Ciampor Fedor (2), Kocianova Elena (2) - Nosema slovaca Weiser et Rehacek, 1975 and Unikaryon ixodis (Weiser, 1957) comb. n. in ixodid ticks.

(1) Institute of Entomology, Academy of Sciences, Branisovska 3l, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; (2) Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; (3) Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, Department of Electron Microscopy, Videnska, Praha 4, Czech Republic
*Corresponding author: J. Weiser, c/o Parasitology Dept., Charles University, Vinicna 7, 128 44 Praha 2, Czech Republic. Tel.: 0042-02-21953198, Fax: 299713,

Two microsporidia, Nosema slovaca Weiser et Rehacek, 1975 and Unikaryon ixodis (Weiser, 1957) comb. n. infect Ixodidae in Central Europe. Their distribution, pathology and ultrastructure were studied in material assembled during an extensive survey of rickettsial infections in ticks collected in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus were the natural hosts of N. slovaca while I. ricinus is the only host for U. ixodis in the field. Both microsporidia are infectious by injection also for other hard ticks occurring in Central Europe. Transmission occurs in nature via infected eggs and by ingestion of spores. N. slovaca has been confirmed as belonging to the genus Nosema. It produces spores of two types, with 18 and 9 turns of the polar filament, respectively. On the basis of spore ultrastructure the other microsporidian with smaller spores, described as Nosema in 1957, is transferred to the genus Unikaryon Canning, Lai et Lie, 1974. It also produces two types of spores, with 6 and 4 turns of the polar filament, respectively.

KEY WORDS: Nosema slovaca, Unikaryon ixodis comb. n., microsporidia, Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor reticulatus, ticks
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 05-10-1999