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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.45, No. 2, 2000, 107-112
Cielecka Danuta (1), Chomicz Lidia (1), Piekarczyk Janusz (2), Walski Michal (1), Zawadzki Pawel J. (2), Bednarczyk Agata (2), Szubinska Dorota (1), - Oral cavity condition and the occurrence of parasitic protozoans in patients with genetic diseases.

(1) Department of General Biology and Parasitology, Medical University of Warsaw, Chalubinskiego 5, 02-004 Warszawa; (2) Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Medical University of Warsaw, Lindleya 4, 02-005 Warszawa; (3) Ultrastructure Laboratory of CNS, Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawinskiego 5, 02-106 Warszawa; Poland

Twenty five women (21 to 50 years old) with genetic diseases (phenylketonuria, Down's syndrome, achondroplasia, epilepsy), patients of the II Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, were examined for the pre-treatment status of the oral cavity and the occurrence of oral protozoans, Entamoeba gingivalis and/or Trichomonas tenax. On the basis of the clinical characteristics and light and transmission electron microscopic examination, relationship between periodontal condition and presence of the oral protozoans were analysed and factors which may play the main role in the maintenance of the infection in these patients were determined. The highest prevalence of infection with E. gingivalis and T. tenax was noted in the 41-50 year age group in which more than 88% of the patients were infected. In 11 among of 20 of the cases with periodontal disease, infection with T. tenax, and/or E. gingivalis occurred. In 10 among of 16 of the individuals with limited mobility the oral protozoans was present. Our studies indicate that age as well as limited mobility of the patients examined resulting in difficulties with maintaining of good hygiene of oral cavity may play an important role in occurrence of infection with the oral protozoans and inflammatory processes in gingiva and periodontium.

KEY WORDS: Entamoeba gingivalis, Trichomonas tenax, oral protozoans, periodontitis, human parasites
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 04-07-2000