This number of Acta Parasitologica contains 543 abstracts received by the
Organising Committee of European Multicolloqium of Parasitology (EMOP8).
The abstracts have been grouped according to the EMOP8 programme; at the
beginning are published abstracts of 6 symposia (S1-S6), then follows
abstracts from the consecutive sessions (A1-H1). Within each group, appear
first the oral contributions arranged in order of their presentations and
then contributions accepted as posters; order of both reflects the time of
abstract acceptance. Each poster can easily be find, as it is identified
by its code and number. The alphabetical index of authors includes also
all co-authors of papers; the author's names are followed by the
respective page(s). There is no subject's index and we expect that finding
a group of abstracts being of interest can easily be done by looking into
the sessions programme which is available just before the abstracts.
In agreement with the moderators of various symposia and sessions we
adopted the policy to accept almost all the abstract submitted in a way
that followed the EMOP8 instruction. The abstracts are set
up electronically exactly as submitted. No effort has been done to correct
the abstract text or its English language. In a few cases, however, having
author's agreement we have corrected terminology, by using SNOPAD
The Editorial Board of Polish parasitological journal Acta Parasitologica
has agreed to publish EMOP8 abstracts and we want to acknowledge it with
appreciation. The enormous work in collecting and editing the abstracts
was done by EMOP8 internal editorial team, which deserves high
recognition. The team members were: Professor Katarzyna Niewiadomska, Acta
Parasitologica Editor, Dr Piotr Nowosad and Professor Edward Hadas, EMOP8
Organising Committee scientific secretariat, Aniela Piotrowicz, M.A.,
director of the Main Library of K. Marcinkowski University of Medical
Sciences in Poznan and Pawel Sulima from Department of Biology and Medical
Parasitology in Poznan. The technical skill and assistance of Piotr
Krzyzaniak, an Internet specialist from the Library, was irreplaceable.
Finally, we want to thank all the EMOP8 moderators and participants for
their co-operation.
The Presidents of EMOP8
Krystyna Boczon and Zbigniew S. Pawlowski