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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.46, No. 1, 2001, 45-48
Ovcharenko Mykola (1), Wita Irena (2) - Notes on the ultrastructure of the Cougourdella sp. (Microspora, Cougourdellidae) a parasite of Ectocyclops phaleratus (Crustacea, Cyclopidae).

(1) Institute of Hydrobiology, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Geroiv Stalingrada 12, 254635, Kiev, Ukraine; (2) W. Stefanski Institute of Parasitology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland

New data concerning the cytology of Cougourdella-like microsporidium invading copepods are presented. The lageniform spores of the parasite were uninucleate with a layered exospore and isofilar polar filament, turned into 10-11 coils. The tripartite polaroplast had wide chambers, flattened chambers and narrow lamellae. The spores were enclosed in fragile multisporous sporophorous vesicles.

KEY WORDS: Microspora, Cougourdella sp., ultrastructure, Ectocyclops phaleratus
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 08-03-2001