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Acta Parasitologica, Vol.46, No. 3, 2001, 208-215
Skoracki Maciej*, Dabert Jacek - Two new species of the parasitic mites of the genus Aulobia Kethley, 1970 (Acari, Syringophilidae) from African birds.

Department of Animal Morphology, A. Mickiewicz University, 28 czerwca 1956/198, 61-485 Poznan, Poland
*Corresponding author: E-mail:

Two new quill mite species of the genus Aulobia (Acari, Syringophilidae) from Togo (Africa) are described and figured: A. erythroptera sp. nov. from redwinged warbler Heliolais erythroptera (Passeriformes, Sylviidae) and A. virens sp. nov. from green crombec Sylvietta virens flaviventris (Passeriformes, Sylviidae).

KEY WORDS: Aulobia erythroptera sp. nov., A. virens sp. nov., Acari, Passeriformes, Togo (Africa)
Page compiled by Aleksander H.Kedra. Last modification: 16-09-2001