Volume 50/Number 2/Abstract 8
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Acta Parasitologica, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2005, 150-155
Luiz E.R. Tavares and Jose L. Luque* - Ergasilus youngi sp. nov. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) parasitic on Aspistor luniscutis (Actinopterygii, Ariidae) from off the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Curso de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Veterinarias, Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 74508, 23851-970 Seropedica, RJ, Brasil
*Corresponding author: jlluque@ufrrj.br
A new species of Ergasilus von Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda, Ergasilidae) parasitic on the gills of sea catfish, Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes, 1840) (Ariidae) from the coastal zone of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by the presence of 2-segmented first endopod with rosette-like array of blunt spinules, 3-segmented fourth endopod, first antennulary segment with single seta and not inflated cephalosome.
KEY WORDS: Copepoda, Ergasilidae, Ergasilus youngi sp. nov., fish, Aspistor luniscutis, Brazil

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