1. Authors submitting a manuscript for publication in the journal agree to the following review process.
  2. Submitted manuscripts follow a process of:
    • editorial review
    • review by two reviewers, experts in the field.
  3. Before the peer review process, some manuscripts that have been submitted may be rejected
    by journal Editor-in-Chief.
    If an article has been initially approved, it is sent to two independent reviewers.

  4. If the manuscript obtains two negative reviews then it will be not accepted for publication.
  5. When a submission obtains one negative and one positive review, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision.
  6. The Journal relies on the double-blind peer review process to uphold the quality and validity of individual articles and our journal itself. In double blind review, both the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s identity. This is to prevent prejudices against the background of origin, researches and personal relations.
  7. Reviewers must not use knowledge from the manuscript before it is published.
  8. Every submission is assigned an editorial number in order to identify it at later stages of the publishing process.
  9. An author is informed of the result of the review.
  10. The author may appeal a decision to reject a manuscript by making a request to the Editor-in-Chief.
  11. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
  12. The final decision is sent back to the corresponding author.
  13. The corresponding author receives the author’s copy of the published article.

Editorial Manager tutorial for reviewers you can find here.

Please refer to our Instructions for authors for any further information.

Should you have any further questions regarding the peer review process contact with the editorial office.